Saturday, November 13, 2010


The best part of Nora's days these days is her doses of "Mo-see-see" (aka amoxicillin)- I think she will be disappointed when her ear infection is all better- but I won't be. :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


This is what happens when your 4-year-old grabs onto your sleeve to catch your attention while you're trying to take a picture of the moon with the camera on a slow shutter speed. Not just one moon, but three!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nothing Like...

the feel of sand between your fingers (picture taken yesterday... but who cares, it's my blog :))

Sunday, November 7, 2010


while i'm certain the choke hold is carolyn's way of expressing affection for her sister and a desire to not see her fall down the stairs and most certainly is not a deeper and more desperate longing to get at the Smarties likely stashed in Nora's hand... it didn't make for a great family picture... and so it  made the outtakes list. :)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dock Watching

We were only able to talk one of our children into accompanying us on the walk down the dock to see the marsh at high tide. But she had a good time anyway.
Just for comparison sake, here's the other sweet child in pigtails around the same age. :) I was struck today with how alike.. and how different they really are.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

In a Row

Loved the way 3 rosebuds perched in a row looked in Nora's hair. :) So glad I have girls so I can make them try out all my stuff... :)